OKTAL-SE training program
Training session

Increase your efficiency in the management of our simulation solution for your application.
Our training officers will give you all the keys to optimise and manage all the features provided by the OKTAL-SE software.
The training session can be organized either on our premises in order to meet all our experts or on the customer premises to support our client directly in their working environment.
The training program of each session can be adapted to customer needs to take into account specific data or applications.
In parallel OKTAL-SE organizes public training session in Toulouse (France) on several arranged dates.
These public sessions cover the following topics:
- Session 1: 3D scene generation in EO/IR (SE-Workbench-EO)
- Session 2: 3D scene generation in EM (SE-Workbench-RF)
- Session 3: GNSS performance in urban area (SE-Workbench-GNSS)
- Session 4: Geo-typical 3D database creation (SE-AGETIM-LIGHT)
- Session 5: Geo-specific 3D database creation (SE-AGETIM)