Realistic Radar Simulation package Applied to Multisensor Scenarios
Aerospace Symposium ONERA/DLR, Paris 2001 - France
A three dimensional (3-D) realistic radar simulation package applied to multisensor scenarios is under development as a project between the Electromagnetism and Radar Department of ONERA and the Oktal Synthetic Environment Company. Taking advantage of various studies in the domain, this partnership associates the expertise of ONERA in radar phenomenology, millimeter wave interaction with targets and clutter, with that of OKTAL Synthetic Environment in the generation and management of realistic scene databases in the infrared and optical domains using advanced Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR) techniques. The objective of this program is to develop simulation tools capable of predicting the behaviour of sensors in a realistic environment. This is achieved by coupling a terrain database completed by radar and optical features and a fast SBR algorithm.